This was originally sent to incarcerated individuals in January 2019. Radical Behind Bars is the name of the newsletter that is sent to approximately 300 inmate in 11 different states. Remember that many people are imprisoned with bars and walls that no one can see. May this help you in your journey.
How many of us are praying and singing hymns to God daily with complete abandonment in praise and worship? In spite of our surroundings and circumstances, is there a peace and joy in us that comes from God alone? Does it overflow from you and captures the attention of everyone around you within the sound of your voice, inmate and CO alike?
"About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them," Acts 16:25
Here we read of Paul and Silas in prison after Paul commanded a spirit of divination to come out of a slave girl. That stopped the revenue her owners were making from her. Paul and Silas were dragged into court by the owners of the slave girl resulting in Paul and Silas being beaten with rods before being thrown into prison. They find themselves in the inner prison or maximum security, and their feet put into stocks so they were forced to relieve themselves were they sat (no bathroom breaks), nor could they roll on their sides to relieve the pain from the beaten and brutalized backs and legs (Acts 16:16-24). Paul and Silas probably figured that if the pain was going to prevent sleep they were going to worship their God and as they began praying and singing praises to Him, "the prisoners were listening to them."
They were probably not praying for their Deliverance but simply to give praise and thanks (Eph 5:19-29; Phil 4:4-9; 2 These 5:16-18). I say that because when the doors open and the shackles fell off, Paul and Silas remained where they were. And apparently the other inmates were so taken with this display of worship that they did move either (Acts 16:28).
So, what would you do if an earthquake hit today and not every wall down? What if every door & gate popped open and the guards were so panicked that they were preoccupied and not watching? How many would assume that God was giving you your release from the sentences imposed on you by the courts? Would any of us attempt to fight against the urge to take off and not look back?
I think Paul's prayers and Silas his prayers were more than just giving thanks. I think they were asking God for the salvation of everyone around them, from the nutcase and J-cat, to the most bitter and hate filled felon, to even the most evil and spiteful guard.
"Do nothing from selfish ambition and conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each one of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4
Do you spend more of your time in prayer on your own situations circumstances and desires then you do for the salvation and welfare of those around you? The word "others" in verse 3 is all inclusive. It's not just other Christians or the others that we're comfortable with. It is all others. One of the hurdles I have encountered in sharing my faith with others is a hardness and defensiveness I find in those I share with because of their encounter with many professing Christians. We will usually help each other, but can be stingy and uncharitable to those who do not share our faith and beliefs. It's like that clothing brand FUBU-For Us By Us. It's like we are saying, "If you are not one of us don't expect much from us."
This is an area every Christians needs to continue to work. This is one of those good works that God begins in us (Phil 1:6). However, the enemy works hard to get us to focus just on ourselves and not on those around us. Sadly, many times the enemy does not have to do much to get us to ignore other hurting people. (See Luke 10:25-37; the parable of the good Samaritan).
So Brothers, let us intentionally spend every day imitating Paul,
"Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you having us." Philippians 3:17
To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, be filled with the spirit so that you are purposeful in your prayer and worship in all areas of your life and at all times, not just when things are rough but especially when things are going smoothly. The hardest time to spend with God is usually when everything is going well. Let's be that example for each other daily. Let us rejoice in the Lord always!
"Though the fig tree does not blossom, nor fruit be on the Vine, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herds in the stall, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will take joy in the God of my salvation." Habakkuk 3:17-18
If this has helped you, please let us know and share it with someone else.