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Sep 18, 20244 min read
What is Radical Behind Bars
This was originally sent to incarcerated individuals in January 2019. Radical Behind Bars is the name of the newsletter that is sent to...
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Jul 10, 20244 min read
The Cost of Discipleship
I have often heard individuals say that at one point they accepted Jesus as their Savior and then made him Lord of their life at a later...
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Jun 12, 20242 min read
The Gospel according to Stained Glass Windows
We serve a God who recycles. He turns what others and society considers useless and broken into works of treasure and vessels of honor....
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Apr 14, 20243 min read
Parable Of The New vs Old
This is the first parable that is recorded in the Gospel of Luke. It is found in chapter 5. There have been several sermons and numerous...
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Jan 16, 20246 min read
When Hopeless Meets Hope
A little while ago, I met a young lady who is a Christian and was also raised in a Jewish home. During our conversation, she stated that...
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Nov 23, 20236 min read
The Importance of Forgivness in a Christian's life
This is probably one of the more difficult parables for followers of Jesus across denominations to wrap their head around. Unfortunately,...
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May 8, 20238 min read
What does it mean to be a Good Samaritan?
Loving like Jesus loves is going to cost you! It's called sacrifice for a reason!
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Jun 24, 20222 min read
L.I.T.E.S. - Log In The Eye Syndrome
Los Angeles, CA - June 14: Home plate umpire Nate Tomlinson is hit in the face by a broken bat from Mike Trout #27 of the Los Angeles...
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Nov 10, 20217 min read
A life practicing Thanksgiving
Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Psalm 111:1 ESV...
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Sep 3, 20215 min read
My Declaration of Dependence
It was 245 years ago in July of 1776, when this nation declared its independence from England and began the Revolutionary War. Since...
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Aug 3, 20214 min read
A Radical Exchange
In these trying times, we must remember that our hope lies in Christ, and Christ alone. This April we will be celebrating our most...
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Apr 8, 20213 min read
How I came to embrace the concept of the Trinity
When I was a young child, the Trinity was explained to me using an egg. It was one egg yet consisted of the yolk, white, and shell. That...
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May 14, 20203 min read
3 Types of Fear
By Matthew Cortez "Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of...
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Apr 23, 20205 min read
How will they hear?
This past Easter, as the church was celebrating Resurrection Day on April 12, the United States became number one in the world again,...
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Mar 18, 20206 min read
The Christian and Crisis
I have been thinking over the last several days about this current crisis that we find ourselves in and Christians. There's a song that...
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Feb 13, 20203 min read
Jesus says you are His beloved
I love you, I love you with a greater love than you can comprehend. I set aside the perfection and pleasures of heaven to offer Myself as...
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Jan 13, 20205 min read
What's So Amazing About Grace?
Last February, I came upon a couple of Christian brothers singing AMAZING GRACE. This beautiful song is the most popular hymn sung in...
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Dec 6, 20195 min read
What is your passion?
I want to share with you a little about the company that I'm working at, Thermal Vac, in the city of Orange. They have a sign that they...
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Nov 17, 20193 min read
Until recently, I have been worried about work and my able to be able cover my own housing/rent. Many people have been praying with me on...
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David Kamashian
Sep 14, 20195 min read
If God is supposed to be good and loving why is there suffering in the world?
The question was asked, “If God is so good and loving then why is there so much suffering?” I asked this question to learn the different...
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