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Writer's picture: RadicalRecoveryMinistriesRadicalRecoveryMinistries

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

Until recently, I have been worried about work and my able to be able cover my own housing/rent. Many people have been praying with me on that and God has been moving. 

I have started a full-time job and it's at a company called Thermal Vac. I'm plating parts for aerospace and airline industry. Although this is through a temp agency, there is the possibility of temp to hire. While this is not my dream job of being in the alcohol and substance abuse recovery community, this job is God's gift to me and I'm going to bloom where I am planted. And by the grace of God I will sow the seeds of the Gospel to those around me. 

But there are times we can take God for granted and treat His grace just like weakness. We must not continue to do this.

Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, in a favorable time I listen to you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is a favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation...You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2,12

In my desire to stop taking God's grace for granted, I have begun praying the Psalms, specifically Psalm 23. I'd like to share that prayer with you.

Dear Lord, I need you to be my shepherd. Please make me lie down in the green pastures because I’m often too busy or too worried to take rest or I rest in other places than in you.

Lead me to the still waters of life and away from the broken cisterns that I have dug for myself; the filthy, stagnant water that sometimes seem so refreshing to me.

I so desperately need you to restore my soul daily. I cannot do life, I don’t want to do life without you because only you are my source of life. Remind me that the paths that you lead me on are not about me and not for me but for you and your glory alone.

And whenever I, by my own will or your choosing, have wandered into the valleys of my own making, remind me that I have nothing to fear and that the rod and staff in your hands will give me comfort whether welded for my protection or in loving discipline and correction for I am loved by you immensely.

It is your love I see demonstrated when in the presence of my enemies you have prepared a table before me. You refresh my countenance by anointing me with oil to the point that I cannot contain any more and your Spirit and love overflow from me touching everyone around me.

Your goodness and mercy will follow me because I am loved by you and led by you every moment of every day of my life and I will dwell in your house, the house of my King and Lord today and everyday forever. I’m in.*


Throughout the Psalms, there are many prayers recorded. Find one that speaks to you whether it is Psalm 1, Psalm 23, Psalm 32, or Psalm 91 and turn it into a personal prayer. There is 150 Psalms to choose from. If you are able, please share your personal Psalm prayer with us. May the God of mercy and grace shine His countenance upon you and give you peace. Your servant and brother, David Kamashian * When using voice-to-text to type this prayer as I was praying it, my phone typed "I'm in" instead of "Amen". I liked that so much that I decided to keep it and share that with you. So now when I say Amen, it has more meaning to me.  

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